HVAC Equipment Sizing

Installing HVAC equipment in your home or a new build?

Schedule HVAC equipment sizing first.

(248) 677-6508
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Installing HVAC equipment in your home or a new build?

Schedule HVAC equipment sizing first.

(248) 677-6508
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Properly sizing heating and air conditioning equipment before installation is essential for optimal home comfort and energy efficiency. If a furnace, air conditioner, or heat pump is oversized (which is unfortunately common), it will turn on and off often, reducing efficiency and increasing wear and tear. If HVAC equipment is undersized, it will run constantly without ever achieving the desired indoor temperature — not to mention waste energy and fail prematurely.

In addition to code compliance testing and home performance consulting, McNeely Building Group offers expert HVAC equipment sizing the help builders and homeowners in Michigan and Ohio choose properly sized equipment for their heating and cooling system installations.

Whole House HVAC Calculations

Because a number of factors come together to determine a home’s heating and cooling needs, there should be no “rule of thumb” guidelines for selecting HVAC equipment or designing ductwork. An expert must perform in-depth calculations to ensure that HVAC equipment and air ducts work seamlessly together with the rest of the house.

Manual J Load Calculations

Whether you are designing a new heating and air conditioning system or replacing existing HVAC equipment, a Manual J calculation is a crucial first step. This important calculation determines how much heat a house loses during cooler months and how much heat it gains during warmer months. It takes a number of factors into account, including:

  • Location & climate
  • House design
  • Square footage
  • Air leakage
  • Insulation levels
  • Duct leakage
  • Windows
  • Number of occupants

With a proper Manual J calculation in hand, heating and cooling equipment can be properly sized for optimum comfort and efficiency.

Manual D Duct Design

McNeely Building Group also offers Manual D duct design to determine proper ductwork layout as well as proper sizing for supply and return ducts and registers. This important process ensures that heated and cooled air is distributed equally to every room in the house. It also ensures that HVAC equipment performs better and that utility bills are lower.

Ensure Proper Sizing for Your HVAC Installation

Are you a builder selecting heating and cooling equipment for a new construction home? Or perhaps you are a homeowner working with an HVAC installer who does not perform manual J and D calculations? To ensure proper sizing for your heating or AC equipment installation, get in touch with the team at McNeely Building Group. As an independent, third party HERS rater and energy modeler, we can provide unbiased information about a home’s heating and cooling needs.

Preparing to install HVAC equipment in your home or a new build? Call (248) 677-6508 or contact us to schedule HVAC equipment sizing!

Department of Energy